Dr. Seema Nanda, OD
Nanda Dry Eye & Vision Institute - Nanda DEVI
9301 Southwest Freeway, Suite 165, Houston TX 77074
Office: 832-966-0660
Fax: 800-575-5735

Upneeq - NEW Eye drops for Droopy Lids
Upneeq is oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution 0.1%, which is the first and only ophthalmic formulation approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of acquired blepharoptosis or ptosis (droopy eyelids) in adults.
Upneeq Highlights
The new eye drop can help the patient's droopy eye lids open up within minutes and can last up to 6 hours without any surgery!
Upneeq is oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution 0.1%, which is the first and only ophthalmic formulation approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of acquired blepharoptosis or ptosis (droopy eyelids) in adults.

Get a FREE 3-day sample of
Upneeq with evaluation
with Dr. Nanda.
Call to make an appointment today!
Phone us at: 832-966-0660
Try the unique eye drops that lifts
your eyelids without surgery!
Upneeq is the only FDA-approved prescription eyedrop for acquired ptosis (low-lying lids) that lifts your upper eyelids to open your eyes
Why do my eyelids look low? If your eyes look “tired” or “sleepy,” you may have a condition called acquired blepharoptosis (also known as acquired ptosis or low-lying lids).
Upneeq is a novel once-daily ophthalmic formulation of Oxymetazoline, a direct-acting alpha adrenergic receptor agonist, which when administered to the eye, is believed to selectively target Müller’s muscle and elevate the upper eyelid.